Saturday, September 29, 2012

House V Festival Party

My floor's committee
9/26 --- Even though the rooms are tiny, my residence hall, House V, has the best camaraderie out of any of the halls, and has the most exciting gatherings.  This evening I attended the House V Festival Party, in honor of the coming Mid Autumn Festival.  To my surprise, I was the only international student there, even though there are a few others in my hall.  Again, the whole thing was conducted in Cantonese,  but it was still a lot of fun.  I sat with the members of my floor, and they taught me our floor shout in cantonese,(which i don't remember).  They played many interesting games on stage, and the floors would compete with each other.  One game where you had to guess which of two people had drank something gross, one where you had to transfer a piece of speghetti from person to person and make it as short as possible, and one where you had to drink some yogurt thing the fastest(refer to the picture).  It was fun getting to know the locals on my floor, and in the end I won in a raffle number drawing.  I had to go up on stage to accept the prize, which was just a thermos.  They gave me the mic, and I kinda felt like an animal in a zoo exhibit standing in front of all these local students.  I spoke english, and they had me say some phrase in cantonese, not really sure what it meant but everyone roared with cheers and applause after I said it.  Another great night in Hong Kong.

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