Friday, November 9, 2012

Wax Museum, The Peak, & Sushi

10.4 --- This afternoon I met up with my local friend Elly so she could show me some local attractions in Hong Kong.  Our first stop was the Madame Tussads Wax Museum at the Peak, which was just like the one in New York, except half the people in the museum I didn't really know because they were Hong Kong or Chinese celebrities. They did have a lot of people I did know, and many British actors since Hong Kong used to be ruled by the British.

 Of course they had these 2...What country doesn't know these faces
These people are famous in Hong Kong and China...don't remember their names...
Madame Tussaud and Jet Li

 Gandhi                                                 Picasso

 Gotta support our world's dictators...

...Oh can't forget this one.  4 more years of "hope" and "change", alright

 Elly with the Queen


 only in hong kong lolz

Afterwards we went out side and enjoyed the night view of the city from the Peak. 

We then took the bus down to the Star Ferry, which crosses Victoria's Harbor from Central to Tsim Sha Tsui.

After arriving in TST, we got dinner at a great sushi place called Itacho Sushi.  This was actual sushi, way better than the kind you get in the states at hibachi grill or something. It was absolutely delicious.


After dinner we took a stroll around the avenue of stars for a bit and then I headed back to campus.  Elly had work the next morning at 630. crazy.  she works at the Bank of East Asia and is also a part time student studying computer science.  Apprently in Hong Kong a computer science degree or engineering degree is not worth as much as a business degree.  Although the engineering curriculum is twice as hard as the business's.  This is because Hong Kong is such a business oriented place, and technological development is secondary to making money.  Therefore, people who have business degree in hong kong are quite sucessful, while engineers struggle to find jobs and when they do, the pay is not very high.  This is why Elly works for a bank, instead of a computer science firm or IT job.  I guess I'm glad to live in the US, where engineers have a higher chance to of being successful.  Nice to have another perspective.
Anyway, it was a great night experiencing more of Hong Kong.  I will be sad to leave it behind in less than seven weeks.

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